Big Ticket Item; or, Has meets Needs
I'm pretty sure it's considered inappropriate and uncouth to discuss one's wedding gift registry in a public forum, but since this is a (relatively) anonymous weblog in which inappropriate sharing is de rigeur, I'm pretty sure I can also set my own rules.
That being said, I have big news.
Big news which, admittedly, is really only big to me and to M. and to perhaps one or two other diehard wedding registry fans, but big news nonetheless:
Someone has purchased all ten of our Crate & Barrel Portsmouth creamware place settings.
No I won't shut up, I'm totally serious.
This news item should perhaps be preceded by an admission of sorts, which is that five times a day every day for the past thirty days, M. and I have been checking and rechecking our wedding gift registries, waiting for the "Has" columns to match the "Needs" columns on any/all of our wedding gift registry items. This is a practice/habit/addiction/shortcoming which, I have been told, is perfectly normal/acceptable/expected among the pre-wedding set.
By and large, for the most part, there has been little to no action on any of our three frontiers, but then last night, suddenly, *poof* the "Has" matched the "Needs".
And it's very exciting. And I feel okay admitting that. And there has been nary a peep on either the Bed Bath & Beyond or Williams Sonoma registries - - therefore leaving my poor little chicken pot to remain cold and lost and unpurchased* - - but this too shall pass.
Not that this wedding has anything to do with consumer consumption. It's 100% about love and commitment and mutually ecstatic longterm bliss.
Or maybe 90% that, and 10% creamware.
Plus the cast iron chicken pots and KitchenAid mixers.
So maybe 80-20.
50-50 at the very least.
*in all seriousness...if and when that chicken pot does get purchased, expect this weblog to cease, as I will be laying at the bottom of the Hudson with a chicken pot tied around my neck. Or perhaps just a very heavy rock, as M. will not have wasted the unwanted and godforsaken chicken pot on my demise, but will instead have exchanged it for something he desperately wanted. So everyone should save a life and leave the chicken pot alone. Unless they really love me and value my happiness over my heartbeat. Which I'm hoping they do.
OK, so for those of us in the blonde section, do you or don't you want the chicken pot?!?!
I'm so confused...
How do you buy a gift chicken pot for an anonymous e-migo?
This is a question for the ages, g8s...and one for which I have no simple answer. Thankfully, anonymous e-migos can't hold grudges when you don't get them a present.
(And yes, cookin, I still desperately want the chicken pot. I also desperately want a dining room set made of miniature Swedish fish, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea.)
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