Monday, December 19, 2005

Matrimonial Pie

I could spend this post delving deep into my psychic bowels to rationalize why I've fallen off the 3-post-weekly-minimum wagon, or complaining about feeling like such a complainer this Christmas season, or listing the reasons why I am secretly but guiltily praying for a transit strike tomorrow, or even scraping the barrel for another odd piece of nostalgia involving various family members and my nipples. I could even, perchance, try to come up with a seventy-third way to passively aggressively hilariously discuss my fledgling novel.

But all of these things would be old and tired.

Instead, I will use this post to announce that M. and I received our very first official Bed Bath & Beyond online wedding registry (Christmas) gift in the mail today, and I have tasted of the fruit of bridedom, and have found it to be pleasing.


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