Monday, August 01, 2005

Just an Illusion

Sometimes? When you're walking home from the train, listening to your fave Janet Jackson walking-home-from-the-train song? And imagining that you are a) walking down a catwalk in some sort of super-hip fashion show or b) walking towards the camera in some sort of super-hip music video? You stop to pause and think and wonder if the two post-work beers you just drank on an empty stomach, plus the twenty-pound work-bag slung across your chest and over your back that is now whapping you awkwardly in the ass with every step, plus your swishy synthetic-fiber pants that keep getting stuck on the tongues of your brown slip-on loafers, are somehow making you look much less like something out of the MTV Milan Fashion Shows and more like some sort of awkward, stumbling albatross with an overly active set of forehead sweat glands, a head tick, and a silent case of Tourette's.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Totally from IM chat with (my) M. today:

and are boys so hung up on their masculinity that they can't shorten the strap on their heavy messenger bags for fear of looking like they're carrying a purse even though the way it bounces against their ass makes them walk like a laden, retarded camel?

Also, I need to buy some Janet.

8:13 PM  
Blogger Groomzilla said...

I AM that retarded camel! Way better analogy than the albatross. I don't even know what an albatross would walk like. But a retarded camel - - and the thing is, it's not even a masculinity thing, it's the fact that I already have enough trouble maneuvering my bag over my neck with the I-Pod cord all tangled up around my wrist and my hair getting all messed up. It's practicality.

8:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was sitting in Starbucks today from 9-5 (actually had two meals there...I'm not proud) in a window staring at wash.sq., and I kept spotting guys doing all sorts of interesting walks.

I hunch. I'm trying to straighten up. I hunch because I went to nerd schools with the word "Academy" in them that forced me to carry ridiculous amounts of books over long commutes. It's equally graceless.

8:58 PM  

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