Weekly Update: Better than no weekly update
There's an awful lot of wedding planning going on right now -- trying to find the perfect simple-and-elegant-but-nonintrusive-and-not-too-cutesy graphic for our invitations, emailing customer service at Williams-Sonoma to please fix the glitch in their computer system which has been preventing onling gift registration of their new limited edition Emile Henry Flame-Top Claypot Cookware for over a week now, continuing to debate between the shaved-headed Goth DJ and the more subdued iPod mini -- too much, in fact, to describe.
So instead, we'll just skip ahead to something someone else wrote, which M. forwarded me today. Not necessarily marriage-related, but almost as thought-provoking as anchors-versus-seashells. Click and be provoked.
I also witnessed my first code today -- meaning someone went into cardiac arrest and got the whole rigamarole of chest compressions and injections and paddles -- and, needless to say, I am having a Do-Not-Resuscitate order tattooed on my butt as soon as we pay off the Goth DJ.
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