Friday, February 10, 2006

A pause

At least once every two or three weeks, someone stumbles upon this site by Googling "Scott Speedman sightings".

Even more often than that, someone else finds their way by Googling "ice luge".

Today, someone Bloggered "prostatitis" and, yep, there was my site.

This, to me, signals one of two things. Either nobody else is having a gay wedding and is confused or curious enough to Google "gay groom" for a little moral support; or, I need to spend a little less time ruminating on Felicity stars and male genitourinary hygiene. Or, perhaps, in a world where Brokeback Mountain and LOGO TV and Elton John & David Furnish have become commonplace and run-of-the-mill, the time has come and gone for blogs about gay grooms.

Perhaps what the world truly needs right now -- indeed, what the world is practically begging for -- is a blog that is brave enough to speak the unspeakable, to release the masses from their hidden shame about prostate infections, to let the world know that we are here and we are proud, our penises burning with each and every bout of urination, our bellies full of Zithromax and devoid of any lingering form of natural stomach flora, humiliated as we vomit once more on the sidewalks of New York -- nay, on the sidewalks of the universe -- and attempt to convince our primary care providers and anyone else who will listen that, no, we have not been bottoming beyond the call of duty. Perhaps I am the man to lead this revolution, and perhaps this blog will be my revolutionary electronic pulpit.

Prostatitis sufferers and survivors, UNITE! UNITE!








Ice lugers?


Blogger ridiculous said...

if i had a prostate, i'd be right there with you...

10:33 AM  
Blogger Groomzilla said...

No no, if you had a prostate, I'd be right there with you.

5:13 PM  

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