Just One of the Guys
Yesterday M. and I spent half an hour in the new Trader Joe's wine store downtown, trying to pick out some suitably delicious, yet economically sound, wedding wines. We had two different Trader Joe's wine guys helping us. We discussed cabernets and chardonnays, pinot grigios and pinot noirs, the merits of Two Buck Chuck versus one of their other 4- and 5-dollar contracted labels. For thirty minutes, we talked about our wedding, our friends, our mothers who like Chardonnay way more than we do.
And then, when we'd finally achieved a reasonably confident short-list of wines, one of the wine guys looked at M. and said, "Now you'll just have to see which ones your girlfriend likes."
And my sister doesn't get it when I talk to her about the minor subtleties of being gay which make life just a little more awkward and uncomfortable.
Wine guys or wise guys? And did you end up dropping your money there?
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